Chiropractic Techniques for Back and Neck Pain in Highlands Ranch CO

As our office attended our annual national chiropractic convention last week in Las Vegas, one thing stood out to me. Each year I attend there is another 10 or 15 new chiropractic techniques that have been invented. It is mind boggling to me the amount of ways you can adjust the spine and neck. Each doctor will present their research on their new chiropractic technique and how it works and how it is different from other techniques. Some chiropractors use tools such as adjusting guns or impulse tools. Some chiropractors like to incorporate a lot of muscle work or massage either with their hands, massage tools, vibration massagers, little metal scrapers, etc. Some doctors adjust the extremities such as shoulders, wrist, knees and ankles while other docs only adjust the top of the neck and let the body heal itself. Other chiropractors do energy work and/or cranial bone adjusting. Some docs use nutrition or injections to help the patient heal better and faster. A lot of chiropractors also use physical therapy protocols such as ultrasound or specific spinal exercises and weight loss programs. Medical laser devices also are being implanted to help tissue and joints heal faster.
Movement is Medicine
No matter what type of technique your chiropractor uses, the one thing that is certain is they all work. The bottom line is MOVEMENT IS MEDICINE. Anything that can help your joints move will help you feel better and enable your brain and body to talk to each other more efficiently. Whether it is general exercise, chiropractic adjustments, physical therapy protocols; getting your body to move is the original medicine. Don’t expect to just take a handful of pills in the morning, and sit on your butt all day and think that you will be healthy. You must start moving to take care of yourself.
In my office, we like to use traction therapy to get your body loose and then provide some vibration massage followed by a full body chiropractic protocol. This ensures that you feel better from head to toe. We don’t stop until your body is fully balanced. When the lines of communication in your body our opened up, you will feel better, function more efficiently and just have a longer, happier life. Don’t get discouraged if it doesn’t happen overnight. Depending on the type of life that you lead, it may take a little time for your brain, nervous system, and body to respond to chiropractic care. Just be ensured that chiropractic works every time. Anything that gets your joints and body moving better will have an effect on your body’s master control system – the Nervous System & Brain. If you are ready to start living a healthier life, give us a call today at our Highlands Ranch Chiropractic Clinic @ (303) 346-4949.
Monday | 7:30am - 12:00pm 2:00pm - 5:00pm |
Tuesday | 10:00am - 2:00pm |
Wednesday | 7:30am - 12:00pm 2:00pm - 5:00pm |
Thursday | 10:00am - 2:00pm |
Friday | 7:30am - 12:00pm |
Saturday | Closed |
Sunday | Closed |

Premier Chiropractic & Natural Medicine
4004 Red Cedar Drive
Highlands Ranch, CO 80126
(303) 346-4949